So what is big? A size we see in comparison to others or is the just a present perception of the viewer. The definition of big, gigantic or even enormous is altered many times before, and the people who were responsible for this change have most certainly never been forgotten.
Great achievers like Steve Jobs and Coldplay have succeeded in changing the perception of mankind towards living a better life; you could give credit to their persuasive belief on re-shaping the world. Remember the day when mobile phones were introduced and we thought this is the future, and landline phones cringed in our minds. But, now it’s changing again with the all new tablets and android phones flowing in the market it’s not just about calls and texting but much more. The human mind is constantly demanding for a change or a difference, this is good as it is our only way in making a change.
Our imagination is limitless to innovation and ingenuity; we could break out of the box or stay within it. The gift to see beyond the horizon is with all of us, but very few cross over. So if you ever come across something big that no man has ever witnessed before, think again something much bigger would come along and you could be the reason.